Friday, December 23, 2011

Thoughts on the year

This is going to be a short post as the holidays is calling my name,but given the fact that I have a few moments to write as I am riding up to the family events I should take the opportunity to do it. This year has been a good but hard year for the film business, at least it has been hard for me. People are still feeling the hardship of the economy and because of that they are choosing to either cut back on their filming needs or expecting them done at a very reduced budget. That has been both good and bad for me because I am generally considered somewhat low in costs in comparison to my competitors. This has meant that the people I have been doing work for in the past have either expected me to reduce my costs which are already low and if I can't then I lose them as clients. So because I believe my costs are fair for me I often can not/will not lower my prices and have thus lost some of these clients, but because of this same principle I have gained some new clients that I normally wouldn't have gotten in the past as well, which has also been a blessing. So as you think of your past year I hope you think of both the good things in life as well as the bad things in life that have happened but be encouraged by the good things. Merry Christmas

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